Meet Brian W Hammond, Director of the Small Business Development Center

At RCTC’s Center for Business and Workforce Education, we are privileged to have talented team members with deep industry experience.  This week we highlight Brian Hammond, our new Director of the Small Business Development Center.

Hammond, BrianLR
Brian W Hammond

Center for Business and Workforce Education (BWE): Tell us about you and your background.

Brian Hammond (BH):   I am a transplant from Ohio and an avid sports fan.  I doubt I will be able to follow the Browns, Reds, and Buckeyes as I did before. I am the lucky father of five and grandfather of nine. My wife Karen, who is still in Ohio, and I have been married over forty years.  Professionally, I have over twenty years of experience within the economic development industry, including a number of years as an alternative lender packaging public and private finance packages and eight years being part of the management team running a small not-for-profit venture capital fund.  Additionally I have owned several small businesses, including a film and video production company, an Irish Pub, and a business consulting firm.

BWE:  What excites you most about being the Director of the Small Business Development Center?

BH:  I thoroughly enjoy working with small businesses, from the mom and pop shops to the larger businesses that may generate several million dollars in sales and have a few hundred employees. Then there are the entrepreneurs, armed with nothing more than an idea and a passion to bring it to fruition.  Working with these individuals, helping them organize their thoughts, keep their eyes on the goal, build their business plan and marketing strategy, and topping it all off with successfully raising sufficient capital to put the business in motion and grow at a pace that is sustainable, is what it’s all about. Being able to drive down the street and see your client’s sign two, five, ten years later is one of the most gratifying reward one can imagine.

BWE:  What do you see as the role of the Small Business Development Center in our region?

BH:  First of all, if it’s not broke, don’t fix it.  This organization has developed quite a track record in assisting start-ups and early stage ventures get to the next level, while assisting more mature small businesses righting themselves during difficult times. I also think there is a place for us to be part of the bigger picture.  There is a bevy of activity within Southeast Minnesota and a very broad base to build upon, in terms of economic growth, job creation, and innovation. I think being an active participant within the region, exchanging ideas, supporting viable projects, and offering constructive feedback are areas I am comfortable with and I believe fall within the purview of the SBDC.

BWE:  What’s the best advice you have received and from whom?

BH:  Very early on in my economic development career Bob Davenport, who served as President of the National Development Council said, “Don’t forget a deal isn’t a deal until a deal is a deal.” This simply meant don’t let your enthusiasm exceed the reality of the situation.  Make sure all the documents are executed, all the people are in place and running in the same direction, and for heaven’s sake don’t announce the results too soon and louder than they deserve to be announced.

BWE:  Anything else you’d like us to know about you?

BH:  I’m a Sagittarian, enjoy long walks on the beach, and my Martini stirred not shaken.

What is the Small Business Development Center (SBDC)?

The SBDC offers at no cost, confidential consulting to help businesses in SE Minnesota identify, understand and overcome the challenges of starting a business, running a successful business, and developing exit strategies. We provide the professional expertise and guidance that every small business owner needs to flourish in today’s competitive and ever-changing business world. We do not lend money to small businesses, however we work with the business owners and financial institutions to prepare documentation that lenders require for business loans.

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